

'We will not let journalists die of hunger,' says state minister KC

Rupandehi, July 6 State-5 government's Minister for Internal Affairs and Law, Kul Prasad KC, has urged the media to disseminate information and materials that raise optimism among the people amidst the pessimism created by the coronavirus pandemic. The state minister said this while speaking in an interaction programme marking the second founding day of Reporters' Club, State-5 chapter here in Butwal today. He also expressed the commitment on behalf the state government to support the journalists as the media industry was also economically hit hard due to the coronavirus pandemic. "We will not let journalists die of hunger," the minister assured. Nepali Congress parliamentary party whip in the State Assembly, Nirmala Chhetri, said journalists have a significant role to play in establishing good governance in society. State Assembly member Santosh Pandey said any...

Global coronavirus death toll crosses 4 lakh

More than 4,00,000 people have died globally due to coronavirus and 69,16,233 people have been infected with the virus till now. As per the latest Johns Hopkins University's tally, 4,00,135 people have succumbed to the disease so far. Till now, the US has reported the maximum number of coronavirus cases and deaths. As many as 1,920,061 COVID-19 cases and 1,09,802 deaths have been reported in the US. Brazil has confirmed that 6,72,846 people have tested positive and 35,930 people have died due to COVID-19. Similarly, Russia and the UK have reported 4,67,073 and 2,86,295 cases till now. With 40,548, the United Kingdon has reported the second-highest deaths due to coronavirus. Meanwhile, India has surpassed the COVID tally of Spain and Italy. With 2,47,678 cases, India has become the fifth country in the list of coronavirus affected countries. ...

Weather expected to gradually improve from tomorrow

The weather is expected to improve gradually from Tuesday, the Meteorological Forecasting Division said. Rainfall is taking place in most places of the country, including in Kathmandu Valley, due to the influence of the Westerly wind and the low-pressure front that had formed near the eastern region. The Division stated that the weather will clear off from tomorrow as these two weather conditions have started to peter out. At present generally cloudy conditions prevail throughout the country and rainfall has been taking place in some places of State-5, Gandaki State and the Bagmati State. The weather will remain generally cloudy in the central and western parts as well as in eastern part of the country towards the afternoon today with chances of rainfall accompanied by thunder and lightning in some places of the western region. On Tuesday, the weather will be generally cloudy in the...


Glorious Journey of Community Forestry, 25 years “Silver Jubilee”

►Omi Gurung/Reeta Khulal “Today the federation has been well-known as the best organization in the world in terms of inclusion.” Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) has completed 25 years of its establishment on 18 Jestha 2077. Today FECOFUN is celebrating 25th Silver Jubliee program with various programs from 1 week earlier. During the tenure of 25 years of the federation, the national environment of Nepal has also radically change. It has been established as one of the strongest civic organizations in the country. Since its inception FECOFUN has grown into a social movement organization with about 8.5 million people represented all of whom are forest users. It is a national federation of forest users across Nepal dedicated to promoting and protecting users rights. Although the group is exercising limited forest rights, the federation has been...

Lockdown saves lives, but hurts businesses

Omi Gurung ► In these difficult times or situations it is important to stand united and help one another in whatever way we can. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 2.7 billion people, or more than four out of five workers in the global workforce, have been affected by lockdowns and stay at home measures. Out of all the economic shocks, consumer emotion is the most harmful. Since the global outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19), the panic and fear among the public throughout the globe is spreading faster than the virus. The impact of Covid-19 is not only limited to the demand side of the market, but the supply chain is also hampered equally. On March 24, Nepal’s government announced a nationwide lockdown to contain the spread of COVID-19, closing schools and non-essential businesses, and suspending air travel. Throughout history, a pandemic has had a...

231 cases of violence against women and children in 24 districts in lockdown

May 12, Kathmandu :  As many as 231 cases of violence against women and children have been recorded in 24 districts in the lockdown period enforced nationwide since March 24. The Women Rehabilitation Centre or WOREC recorded the violence against women and children. Among the total violence, 133 are domestic violence, 21 social violence, 34 rape, seven attempt to rape, 10 sexual harassment, 14 suicide, four cybercrime, two suicide attempt, two murder and others. Those involved in the violence are husband (105), family members (45), neighbours (46), so called lover (12), friends (5), four (landlords). The oppressors in 25 cases are yet to be identified. Similarly, 77 women victimized in the violence belong to the 17-25 age group while 62 women belong to 26- 35 age group, 33 women to 36-45, and 20 belong to the age above 46. A total of 32 women under 16 year were oppressed in...


Homless stressed in lockdown for food and treated as criminal

Omi Gurung ► ‘We are left in a lonely place. It has been 45 days of lockdown we are alone. It’s all well and good for the government to say they have spent lakhs of rupees to get us off the streets. But they haven’t. We are the forgotten ones,’ Sujan Karki, homeless Durbarmarg area, Kathmandu, tells. For millions of people, coronavirus restrictions have made access to food, water and shelter even more dangerous. “Rich people can stay home because they have a store well stocked with food and daily they are showing the varieties of food in social medias like Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, face book story, youtube but it is difficult to street peoples who even cannot get one times of meal . “For a survivor on the street, store is stomach.” Its been a tough few months. At times, it can feel like the world...

Students, hardly coping online learning in lockdown

Omi Gurung ► The long lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools, colleges and the other educational institutions. More than 30 thousands students are locked inside the house. Some of the schools has not conducted their final exams too. SEE exams also postponed, not sure when the exam will be start. Teachers and students enter a new world of virtual lectural and online classes as the lockdown brought about by the coronavirus shuts down schools and colleges.   In the context of Nepal, all institutions, and people, do not have access to internet technology, this time can be the first step to enter the digital learning world. All universities, colleges, and even schools should rightly launch the online learning system, which really makes the educational practices convenient opening the way to a new epoch. Online classes are new to the schools and all the...

Lockdown Might lead to stress: working Women

►Omi Gurung  Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The most common symptoms are fever of 103 or more than 104 degree, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and even death. The period within which the symptoms would appear is 2-14 days. This disease was originated from Wuhan of China on 23 Dec 2019. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect ourselves, we must clean our hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. When a disease is new, there is...


परदेशिएको २५ वर्षपछि सहयोगी हात लिएर स्वदेश आए कुमार श्रेष्ठ

►शकुन्तला कटुवाल (पाठक) पुस ६, काठमाडौं । पोर्चुगलका सफल नेपाली व्यवसायी कुमार श्रेष्ठ परदेशिएको २५ वर्षपछि नेपाल फर्किएर विभिन्न सामाजिक तथा धार्मिक संघसंस्थालाई आर्थिक सहयोग गरी फर्किएका छन् । केही समयअघि नेपाल आई हाल पोर्चुगल फर्किसकेका श्रेष्ठले नेपालमा छँदा विभिन्न संघसंस्थाहरुलाई आर्थिक सहयोग गरेका हुन् । उनले आफ्नी पत्नी...

न्यूनदृष्टियुक्त भोला र भावुकका सफलताका पाना

जेठ १६, नेपालगञ्ज । मानिसको बाहिरी आँखा जति सुन्दर र मनमोहक सुन्छ, त्योभन्दा अझ धेरै मनको आँखा प्रभावकारी हुन्छ । बाहिरी आँखाले नदेख्नेलाई सबैखाले अवसर उपलब्ध गराउनाका साथै माया पनि गरियो दृष्टिविहीन र न्यूनदृष्टि भएकाहरु प्नि सामान्य मानिस जस्तै सबल र सक्षम हुन सक्छन् भन्ने प्रमाणित भइसकेको छ ।   यसका ज्वलन्त उदाहरण हुन् ३७ वर्षीय...

‘राष्ट्रिय कलाश्री सम्मान - २०७५’ वैरागी काइँलालाई

चैत २७, काठमाडौं । यस वर्षको ‘राष्ट्रिय कलाश्री सम्मान–२०७५’ नेपाल प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठनका पूर्व कुलपति वैरागी काइँलालाई प्रदान गरिने भएको छ । नेपाली कलासाहित्य डटकम प्रतिष्ठानले विगत ११ वर्षदेखि हरेक वर्ष भाषा, साहित्य, कलासंस्कृति र सङ्गीतका साधकलाई प्रदान गर्दै आएको उक्त सम्मान यसवर्ष उहाँलाई प्रदान गर्ने निर्णय भएको ...


७० वर्षीय दलबहादुरको डोको बुनेरै बित्यो जिन्दगी

फागुन १९, गलेश्वर । म्याग्दीको बेनी नगरपालिका–३ भकिम्लीका ७० वर्षीय दलबहादुर विकले आफू जान्ने भएदेखि अहिलेसम्मको उमेर डोको बुनेरै बिताउनुभयो । जीवनका अनेकौँ घामपानी भोगेका विक अहिले डाँडामाथिको घाम जस्तै कति बेला अस्ताउने हो पत्तै छैन तर उहाँको जाँगर र जोश भने १६–१७ वर्षे जवानको जस्तो देखिन्छ ।  घरको पिँढीमा बसेर नातिनातिनी...

व्याट्री पड्किँदा दुवै आँखा बन्द

माघ २७, हुम्ला । हुम्लाको दक्षिण क्षेत्रमा रहेको सर्केगाड गाउँपालिका–४ बस्ने दन्तबहादुर शाहीको व्याट्री फड्किँदा एसिडले जलेर दुवै आँखा बन्द भएको छ ।  जिल्लामा शनिबारदेखि मौसम सुधार आएसँगै घाममा व्याट्री सुकाउन जाने क्रममा व्याट्री पड्किँदा एसिडले जलेर दुवै आँखा नदेख्ने भएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय हुम्लाका सूचना अधिकारी हरिहर...

यौन हिंसामा पुरुषको भूमिका

 डा. कोषप्रसाद न्यौपाने  पुस २९, काठमाडौं ।  नेपालमा महिलामाथि हुने यौन हिंसा धेरै बाहिर आइरहनुले यस्ता घटनाहरू विगतमा भन्दा अहिले धेरै बढिरहेको अनुमान गर्न सकिन्छ। अमेरिकादेखि भारत हुँदै नेपालमा पनि भित्रिएको ‘मिटु’ अभियानको प्रभावले केही शक्तिशाली भनिने व्यक्तिको इतिहासलाई पनि उजागर गरिदिएको छ । यौन दुव्र्यवहार समाज, समय,...

थप खबर...

प्रत्येक महिला पुरुषभन्दा कमजोर छैनन् : कमला भासिन

1505200545Kamala-bhasinsiTZu8Z9Mj.jpg नरेश ज्ञवाली ► भदौ २७, काठमाडौं।  दक्षिण एसियामा लैङ्गिक समानता, शिक्षा, गरिबी निवारण, मानवअधिकार र शान्तिका...

पुरुष कलमले पूर्ण नारीलाई लेख्न सक्दैन

1488688911annapurna-post.jpg काठमाडौं। मान्छेहरू कडा भएर बोलेको भन्दा नरम भएर बोलेको मनपर्छ । खरा कुराभन्दा नरम, सरस र सलिल कुराहरू मनपर्छ । तर...

कालो तिलले कम्मर दुखेको र अनुहारमा भएको पोतोको उपचार गर्छ

1479567052black-sesame-seed.jpg काठमाडौं । कालो तिल अथवा तिलबाट प्राप्त हुने बिऊ तेल उत्पादनको लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ । अनुहारमा चायाँ, पोतो वा दाग,...

उमेर अनुसारको हुनुपर्छ खान्की, अनि मात्र मानिस स्वस्थ रहन्छ

1479121715High-protein-foods-555x335.jpg काठमाडौं। पोषणको आवश्यकता उमेरअनुसार परिवर्तन हुन्छ । उमेरको हरेक अवस्थामा स्वयंलाई स्वस्थ राख्न शरीरलाई...

यी भोजन खाए छाला सुन्दर हुन्छ !

1490268754IMG4830.JPG काठमाडौं। स्ट्रबेरी : यो भिटामिन सीले भरपुर हुन्छ । भिटामन सीले छालालाई चाउरीबाट जोगाएर सधैं जवान राख्न मद्दत...

दुबईमा पहिलो पटक नेपाली कल्चरल पहिरनको फेसन शो सम्पन्न

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मुलुकका सम्मानित पदमा महिलाको उपस्थिति, सबैका लागि आशाको ढोका उघारे

1488014428nepali-great-ladies.jpg काठमाडौं। अहिले नेपालका तीनवटै अंगका प्रमुख महिला भएकाले नेपाली राजनीतिक क्षेत्रमा मात्र नभएर सामाजिक...

लोग्नेमान्छेको जात केटी देखेपछि.....

1486611119images.jpg काठमाडौं । शान्ताको विवाह भएको पाँच वर्ष बितिसक्दा पनि छोराछोरी भएनन् बरु उनलाई एकाएक ब्लड क्यान्सर भयो । समयले...

मनोसामाजिक समस्या के हो?

1532684479sumitra-vaauju.jpg साउन ११, काठमाडौं । मनोसामाजिक समस्या भन्नाले मन र समाज वीच हुने समस्या हो । यो जो कोही व्यक्तिलाई पनि हुन सक्छ ।...

महिलाको दोस्रो विवाहको कुरा सुन्दा पढेलेखेकैले अनुहार बिगार्छन्

1482639321yakal--mahila.jpg काठमाडौं। दोस्रो विवाहबारे मैले नसोचेको, नचाहेको होइन । तर, म मेरा आत्मीयसँग फेरि विवाह गर्नेबारे कुरा गर्छु,...
