

foods that cause constipation

February 10 ,Kathmandu. According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, 21% of people around the world suffer from constipation. According to the 2018 Gut Health Survey, 22% of adults in India suffer from constipation. Of these, 59% people complain of severe constipation. Our bad lifestyle is the main reason for this. The basis of this is our food. Every bite of food decides whether constipation will occur or not. If there is not enough fiber in the food, it can cause constipation. Not drinking enough water can also cause this problem. This can cause bloating and gas in the stomach and can also cause pain. Physical and mental health is affected due to constipation as the stomach is not clear. This can affect daily tasks. Productivity in office work can also decrease. What is constipation? Constipation simply means that the stomach is not getting cleaned....

Lung cancer is increasing rapidly in non-smokers

February 9,Kathmandu.Cases of lung cancer are increasing all over the world among people who have never touched a cigarette in their life. A study was published in Lancet on World Cancer Day on February 4. According to this study, 25 lakh lung cancer patients were found all over the world in the year 2022. Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of lung cancer. The same Lancet study says that the number of cigarette smokers has also decreased rapidly in the last few years. Despite this, cases of lung cancer are continuously increasing. According to this report of Lancet, in the year 2022, 53-70% of lung cancer cases were seen in people who do not smoke cigarettes. Then what is the reason that lung cancer cases are increasing. According to the report, the biggest reason for this is that the air of the whole world is getting polluted. The dangerous effect of increasing air pollution is...

Plane carrying 10 people goes missing in Alaska, USA

February 7,Kathmandu.A small plane carrying 10 people has gone missing in the US state of Alaska. The Bering Air plane was en route from Unalakleet to Nome, local authorities said. The plane, which took off at 4 pm local time on Thursday with nine passengers and a pilot, went missing, the State Police Agency said in an urgent report. It is reported that a search for the airport is currently underway, for which the US Coast Guard and Air Force have been mobilized.  Light snow and freezing rain were reported around Nome Airport through Thursday evening, with winds of up to 35 mph forecast throughout the night.  This is believed to be the reason for the plane crash. Alaska is a state in the northwestern region of the United States.  ...


Jaya Ekadashi on February 8

February 7,Kathmandu.Saturday, February 8 is Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Magh month, its name is Aja, Jaya and Bhishma Ekadashi. This fast is observed to get the blessings of Lord Vishnu. It is believed that the result of sins committed knowingly or unknowingly is reduced by observing Ekadashi fast. The amount of virtue gained by performing Yagya is equal to the virtue gained by observing Ekadashi fast. According to Ujjain's astrologer Pt. Manish Sharma, on Ekadashi, special anointment of Lord Vishnu and Mahalakshmi and worship of Tulsi should be done. Know the method of Jaya Ekadashi fast and Vishnu Puja... Those who observe Ekadashi fast, follow the rules of the fast from the evening of Dashami, i.e. a day before. Eat satvik food on the evening of Dashami Tithi and follow celibacy. Worship Lord Vishnu in the evening. A person observing Ekadashi fast should avoid...

Rescued after 18 hours of labor pains

February 4,Kathmandu.A woman has been rescued by a Nepal Army helicopter from Namase, Bhotkhola Rural Municipality-4, Sankhuwasabha, after 18 hours of labor pains. Yangjam Bhote, 36, of Bhotkhola-4, Namase, was rescued today under the President's Women Upliftment Program after 18 hours of labor. This place, located in the northern part of the district, is still not accessible by transportation. Bhote, who was admitted to the Namase Community Health Unit on Wednesday after experiencing labor pains, was rescued by a Nepal Army helicopter, said Phurphu Bhote, head of the Bhotkhola Rural Municipality Health Branch. She said that Bhote was sent to Thapathali Maternity Home in Kathmandu by a Nepal Army helicopter 18 hours after she started labor pains. The government has been making arrangements to airlift pregnant and postpartum women in remote areas who are in danger of their lives...

The influence of food on mental health

February 6,Kathmandu. In the experience of Dr. Bishwabandhu Sharma, a senior psychiatrist who has been working for forty years, our food plays a big role in staying mentally healthy. Dr. Sharma's views are, 'Since general physical health is the foundation of mental health, it is a generally established belief that just as food has a positive effect on physical health, it is also suitable for mental health. Some food items have a special role.' Foods rich in fiber, including micronutrients, are especially helpful in strengthening mental health. Fresh foods that are as minimally processed as possible, do not increase the amount of sugar in the body at once, and play a role in making the brain active and effective. That is, a variety of healthy foods, as well as plant-based foods, are able to make the brain active. Similarly, various fruits like oranges, grapefruits,...


Violence erupts again in Bangladesh ahead of Hasina's supporters' protest, her father's house vandalized and set on fire

February 6,Kathmandu.Violence erupted again in several cities in Bangladesh late Wednesday night ahead of the Awami League's proposed nationwide protests. Protesters vandalized and set fire to the residence of Bangladesh's founder Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 'Bangabandhu', father of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in Dhanmandi-32, Dhaka. Similarly, protesters in Khulna demolished the houses of Sheikh Hasina's uncles Sheikh Sohail and Sheikh Jewel with two bulldozers. The violence broke out after a 'bulldozer rally' was announced on social media. Security personnel were also present at the time of the attack. Efforts were made to persuade the crowd to leave, but all efforts failed, media reports said. Some protesters have also entered the residence and the museum. They have reportedly climbed onto balconies and vandalized the house, and even set it on...

What is menopause

February 6,Kathmandu. Women usually experience menopause at the age of 45 to 55 years. Menopause means that their periods stop. This is the stage in women's lives after which they cannot become biological mothers. Usually the initial symptoms of menopause start appearing at the age of 40. These symptoms can start appearing anytime between 40 and 50. Symptoms such as sudden sweating at night, restlessness and headaches can occur before, during and for several years after menopause. All of this is normal, but the hormonal imbalance caused by menopause increases the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and UTI problems. What is menopause? If a woman is not having periods naturally for 12 months continuously, then it is considered menopause. However, due to this, one may have to face many physical and mental problems. What are the symptoms of menopause? Everyone can have...

When should CPR not be given, it can be life-threatening

February 5, Kathmandu. Suppose you are somewhere in a market or a public place and a person falls unconscious on the ground. You have often seen such videos on the internet where when a person falls unconscious on the ground, someone else saves his life by giving CPR. You also started giving CPR to the unconscious person without any delay. When the person regained consciousness, he was groaning. When he was taken to the hospital, it was found that his rib cage was fractured. The doctor said that the unconscious person did not need CPR. It was just a normal unconsciousness. Due to giving CPR in the wrong way, his rib cage got fractured. Two months ago, a similar video was shared by Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav. In which a TTE was giving CPR to a 70-year-old man in a moving train. Usually such videos get praise, but Ashwini Vaishnav had to face a lot of criticism for...


International Film Festival to be held in Janakpur from Falgun 16

February 5,Kathmandu.The first Janakpur International Film Festival is being held with the aim of internationalizing the Nepali film industry, promoting the market, and exploring potential and opportunities. The Samvad Foundation announced that it will hold its first film festival from February 16 to 18 in Lalitpur on Tuesday, in the presence of filmmakers and media personnel. At the event, Film Development Board Chairman Dinesh DC expressed his belief that the festival will be an important medium to market Nepali and Mithila films to the world. “Janakpur represents Mithila region, the festival will highlight it. More than 137 countries of the world will know about our films,” he said. Chairman DC said that it is not appropriate to hold festivals with the aim of making money and expressed his commitment to support such international film festivals by cutting budgets...

Is pasta healthier or rice?

February 5,Kathmandu.Whenever we talk about food, rice is definitely mentioned. Pasta also holds a special place in our kitchen. Both of these are very tasty and easily available foods. Both of these foods, which are liked by everyone, are prepared in many different ways. Rice is a traditional and popular food, which has been a favorite food of humans for about ten thousand years. Pasta is also very much liked for its taste and has been in the kitchen of humans for more than a thousand years. However, if there is a question of choosing one of these two, you will quickly answer according to your choice. But if the question is slightly changed and you are asked which is better for health between rice and pasta? Will you be able to answer? Most of us do not know whether eating rice or pasta is more beneficial for our health. Usually, we eat whatever we get to fill our stomach. We...

Why does cancer occur

February,4 Kathmandu.According to a study published in the scientific journal Nature, there were 1.25 crore cases of breast cancer in India in the year 2021. This means that about 1% of the total population of India was suffering from breast cancer. 99% of these cases were of women. Breast cancer caused an economic burden of about Rs 69 thousand crore on India in 2021. With the speed at which breast cancer cases are increasing, it is estimated that by the year 2030, it will cause an economic burden of Rs 1 lakh 20 thousand crore on India. If we talk about all types of cancer, then according to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 14.1 lakh new cases of cancer were reported in India in the year 2022 and a total of 9.1 lakh people died. What is cancer? There are approximately 30 trillion or 30 lakh crore cells in our body. All of them grow in a controlled manner in a...


Red chilli powder may be adulterated

February, 4 Kathmandu .The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has taken a big action against yoga guru Baba Ramdev's company 'Patanjali Foods'. FSSAI has directed Patanjali to withdraw an entire batch of red chilli powder. This information has been given by Patanjali in the stock exchange filing. The reason behind this decision of FSSAI was that red chilli did not meet the food standards. However, FSSAI has not yet clarified whether any adulteration has been found in red chilli powder or not. Often news related to adulterated red chilli powder comes to light. Adulterated chilli powder is also available in the market at cheap prices, which looks exactly like the real one. However, its use can cause many serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to identify the real red chilli powder. Why did FSSAI order to withdraw the batch of...

Are you drinking more water than required?

February 4,Kathmandu . 60% of our body is water. For this body machine to function properly, it is necessary that every cell of the body gets sufficient amount of water and oxygen at all times. The body should remain hydrated i.e. there should be no shortage of water in the body. Hydration plays a central role in almost all the activities happening continuously within the body for 24 hours. If there is enough water in your body then- The body temperature will remain normal. The digestive system will remain healthy. Blood circulation will continue properly. The process of destruction of damaged body cells and formation of new cells will continue. The work of removing waste from the body will continue smoothly. All the body organs will continue to do their respective functions. This was about adequate hydration. But what happens when adequate hydration turns...

Does eating sugar cause fatty liver ?

January 30,Kathmandu. People all over the world know that eating too much sugar is harmful for health. It can cause tooth decay. Blood sugar can spike. It is very harmful for diabetic people, but do you know that sugar can also damage the liver? The answer is yes. Sugar damages the liver like alcohol. According to a study published in the Journal of Hepatology, even a very small amount of sugar damages the liver. Just like every drop of alcohol damages the liver and causes fatty liver, sugar is also responsible for fatty liver. Sugar is the major cause in most cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver. The World Health Organization (WHO) said in 2015 that no one should consume more than 25 grams of sugar or 6 teaspoons per day. We are not talking about only white granulated sugar here. All the packaged items being sold in the market contain added sugar. Even salty things contain...

थप खबर...

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