
Yami Gautam will play the role of Shah Bano

  |      11:53:00   |  
Yami Gautam will play the role of Shah Bano

After becoming a mother, Yami Gautam is once again going to make a comeback on the big screen. According to media reports, the actress will be seen in the lead role in a film based on the life of Shah Bano.

Let us tell you that Shah Bano fought a legal battle to get maintenance after divorce from her husband. This case was related to triple talaq, women's rights and Muslim personal law in 1985. The Supreme Court's decision in favor of Shah Bano became a topic of social and legal discussion across the country.

Shah Bano has contributed a lot in the triple talaq case. Yami Gautam will explain the importance of this case to the audience through this film. It is being told that Yami Gautam is working hard to play the character of Shah Bano. This will be an iconic role in her career. She is very excited about this new challenge.

The film based on Shah Bano's life will be directed by Suparn Verma. He has previously directed The Family Man Season 2, Rana Naidu and The Trial. Junglee Pictures will produce this film in collaboration with Vishal Gurnani and Juhi Parikh Mehta.

Who was Shah Bano

Shah Bano was a resident of Indore in Madhya Pradesh. In 1978, her husband Mohammad Ahmed divorced her and threw her out of the house at the age of 62. Shah Bano had 5 children. The matter of getting alimony from the husband reached the Supreme Court in 1981. The husband said that he was not bound to pay alimony to Shah Bano. The Supreme Court gave its decision on section 125 of CrPC in 1985. This section is related to deciding alimony in a divorce case. The Supreme Court upheld the decision of the Madhya Pradesh High Court to grant alimony to Shah Bano.

The Rajiv Gandhi government overturned the decision

The Muslim Personal Law Board launched a nationwide movement against the court's decision in favor of Shah Bano. All the Muslim organizations of the country said that the court was violating their rights by interfering in their family and religious matters.

When there was opposition to this in the country, the then Rajiv Gandhi government made a law in 1986. This law was called The Muslim Women Protection of Rights Act 1986. It diluted the decision of the Supreme Court. Under the law, women were allowed to ask for alimony only during Iddat (time of separation). The then Minister of State for Home, Arif Mohammad Khan, resigned against this decision of the Rajiv Gandhi government.

Law on triple talaq made in 2019

At that time, BJP had said - If we come to power, we will change the personal law. In 2017, the Supreme Court declared triple talaq unconstitutional and asked the government to make a law on it. The Modi government with full majority felt that this was the right opportunity to fulfill the decades old agenda. On 30 July 2019, Modi made a law against triple talaq.

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