
Two persons arrested for swindling woman

  |      16:44:00   |  
Two persons arrested for swindling woman

Doti, July 14.

Police here have arrested two persons on the charge of cheating one million rupees from a woman in the name of getting a loan of Rs 35 million approved from a bank for her. According to District Police Office Doti's chief, SP Dilip Singh Deuba, a 35-year old Sanja Kumari Kathayat of Adarsha Rural Municipality-3 in the district and 32-year old Padam Raj Bhatt of Lekam Rural Municipality-1 of Darchula district were arrested on the charge. SP Deuba added that they had cheated the amount from a 44-year old woman of Tikapur Municipality of Kailali stating they were the officials of Nepal Bank Limited and would approve the loan of Rs 35 million if they were provided one million rupees. They were arrested from Pipala of Deepayal Silgadhi Municipality-4 in the district. Police have confiscated fake documents, identity cards and bank vouchers from them. The fraudsters were presented before the Kailali police office for further action.

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