
Teenagers have anxiety and depression

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Teenagers have anxiety and depression

January 12, Kathmandu According to a study published in the famous scientific journal 'The Lancet Psychiatry', 75% of teenagers in Australia are suffering from anxiety and depression. 64% of adults between 10 and 18 years have faced poor mental health more than three times. This study has been done by the well-known research institute for children 'Murdock Children's Research Institute'. It is also written in the study that in these cases, more than clinical care, strategies need to be made for prevention.

According to a study published in the 'Indian Journal of Psychiatry' in 2019, more than 5 crore children in India were suffering from mental health problems. Most of these children were suffering from anxiety and depression. According to UNICEF, these figures would have increased much more than before after the Corona epidemic.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people around the world are suffering from anxiety and 280 million people are facing depression. Currently, this problem is very common among teenagers and youth.

Emotional and behavioral changes occur

Depression and anxiety are becoming a serious mental health problem in teens. Due to this, the way children think, feel and behave changes. If a little attention is paid, the problem of anxiety or depression in teenagers can be identified. By identifying this, they can be helped.

There are changes in behavior

If a person is suffering from anxiety or depression, then its effect starts showing in his behavior. You can help them by identifying them.

What are the main causes of anxiety and depression in teens

Dr.says that many hormonal and physical changes are taking place in boys and girls during teenage. During the same time, they have to go through the pressure of board exams and dilemmas like course selection for career. If they do not get the right environment at home and school, then this pressure turns into anxiety and depression. These reasons have become a topic of discussion so many times on TV and in newspapers that most people have become aware of them.

However, there are many reasons which people do not pay attention to. Fast food, sugary drinks and social media which have become part of our daily habits are also causing anxiety and depression. Let's see.

Unhealthy eating habits have an impact

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2024, eating junk food, ultra-processed food, and fast food increases the risk of anxiety and depression manifold. Adults are at the highest risk because they are the biggest consumers of fast food and ultra-processed food.

Consuming more sugary drinks increases the risk of depression

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine in the year 2022, consumption of sugar or sugary drinks is becoming a major cause of poor mental health of teenagers. All the beverages available in the name of energy drinks or cold drinks can cause anxiety and depression.

Depression is also increasing due to screen time and social media

According to a study published in the scientific journal Frontiers in 2023, teenagers who spend more than 7 hours a day on screens were more than twice as likely to suffer from depression as other teenagers. It also found that if someone is spending an hour a day on social media, then the symptoms of depression increase by 40% per year for every hour.

Depression increases due to not being active

According to a study published in BMC Medicine in 2010, boys and girls who do not participate in any kind of sports or physical activities are more likely to suffer from depression. It also revealed that exercising for 1 hour daily or doing physical activities reduces the risk of depression or anxiety by 95%.

Small changes will have a big impact

Dr. says that anxiety and depression are big mental health problems. That is why we look for big solutions to treat them. Whereas sometimes very small changes can also solve big problems. It is true that there is no sure way to prevent mental health problems. Despite this, we can take some measures. It does not require much effort. For this, very small changes have to be made in the lifestyle by making a strategy:

1. Pay attention to the child's diet and daily routine. Tell them the benefits of a balanced and healthy diet and encourage them to follow it regularly.

2. Get up in the morning and go for a walk or jogging with the children. After this, give them a chance to play outdoor games for some time in the evening.

3. Quality sleep is very important for good mental health. For this, ensure that the child is getting adequate sleep of 7 hours every day.

4. We cannot keep teenagers away from screens and social media. Teach them internet and social media literacy for its use. Make them develop the habit of setting a time for its use.

5. Never burden your children with your expectations. Monitor their performance. Then identify their strengths and weaknesses and help them strategically.

6. Provide such an environment to your child that he does not feel hesitant in sharing his thoughts with friends and family members.

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