
Glorious Journey of Community Forestry, 25 years “Silver Jubilee”

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Glorious Journey of Community Forestry, 25 years “Silver Jubilee”

►Omi Gurung/Reeta Khulal

“Today the federation has been well-known as the best organization in the world in terms of inclusion.”

Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) has completed 25 years of its establishment on 18 Jestha 2077. Today FECOFUN is celebrating 25th Silver Jubliee program with various programs from 1 week earlier. During the tenure of 25 years of the federation, the national environment of Nepal has also radically change. It has been established as one of the strongest civic organizations in the country. Since its inception FECOFUN has grown into a social movement organization with about 8.5 million people represented all of whom are forest users. It is a national federation of forest users across Nepal dedicated to promoting and protecting users rights. Although the group is exercising limited forest rights, the federation has been taking continuous initiatives and advocating for the establishment of full community property rights, great changes have been achieved. During the 25 years FECOFUN has held six national general conventions in accordance with democratic rules and regulations. Federation has organized such general conventions, conventions, councils, meetings from grassroot levels, local , district, province and state level to national level to draw the right conclusions after interaction and discussions. The federation has provision for 50 % womens participations in the constitutions. Federation has become the organization to start inclusion and achieve historic success. Ms Bharati Pathak, a strong women is leading the organization.

Today, it is proud to be the largest organization representing the largest forest population representing the largest forest population and local population not only in Nepal but all over the world. Federation has network and leadership at the national and international level through local level, district level and state level. Of more than 22,266 Community Forestry Users Groups (CFUGs) and other Community Based Forest Management Groups (such as leasehold forestry groups religious forestry groups buffer zone and traditional forest management groups) in Nepal approximately 16,186 are affiliated with FECOFUN.There are approximately 30 FECOFUN employees in Kathmandu and many more in over 77 district FECOFEN offices. FECOFUN is also supported by thousands of volunteers and community forestry facilitators as well as by several national and international organizations.

When the federation was established and the network was expanded across the country, the rate of deforestation and smuggling has not only decreased but also the forest area has expanded. There has been changes in the greenery of the bare hills, but there has been a green revolution in biodiversity and forest conservation. 700 community forestry users groups has exceed 22000 groups. This is an important historical achievement.

Not only at this time, but also in the past during great calamities like earthquake epidemics, floods, landslides and fires, the community forest group and the federation have played a momentous role of helpig the victims. Special facilities and services have been provided to the poor, destitute, persons with physical disabilities and senior citizens within the local group. Local community forest uesr groups have played an important role in resolving minor disputes, problems and complexities in the local villages. Deforestation rates have declined historically. The incident of corruptions in the forest sector has also decreasing day by day.

“The Campaigns of Community Forest and Federation has broadened the identity and pride of Nepal”

FECOFUN and Community Forest campaigners have a strong participation and role to renowned the organization in the world. Community forest peoples organization has become globalized. Thousands of people working in the community forest campaign and the Federations campaign are participating in the union, state and local parliaments and government. FECOFUN is the pillor for the people who are reached in high level. It can contribute to sustainable development and prosperity by mobilizing community forest users groups extensively.

The work of the federation has proved that the community is reaching the crisis faster than the government. In every crisis, calamity and aftermath, the community forest and the federation are playing a historic role as strong charioteers.


(Writer Ms. Omi Gurung is Finance Officer in FECOFUN/ Ms Reeta Khulal M & E Officer in FECOFUN, has prudently support in this writing)

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