
18-year-old girl gang-raped in India, 14 arrested

  |      10:26:00   |  
18-year-old girl gang-raped in India, 14 arrested

January 12, kathmandu .Police have arrested 14 people for allegedly sexually assaulting and gang-raping an 18-year-old student in Pathanamthitta district of Kerala, India. The student said the incident took place between three and four years ago. 

During the Kutumbashree Snehita Pahal counselling, she narrated her ordeal to the counsellor. She informed about the people who had sexually abused her. The students were all said to be her neighbours, classmates and allegedly strangers. 

The administration had started an investigation after the counsellor informed the child welfare committee about the matter. Sanjeev M, from the communications department of the Pathanamthitta district crime branch, told BBC Hindi, "The student had provided evidence of 40 calls made to her father's phone." 

He added, "Evidence of sexual abuse has been found on the phone of the first accused, where he sexually abused the girl, blackmailed her and took her to friends' places." Police have registered five cases related to the incident. It is said that more arrests are possible as some of the accused are from other districts.

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